
The Buddha said that his teaching are not to be followed like laws, but to be used as guidelines in finding your own spiritual path. Rabbi Brad Hirschfield explained that if there are aspects of religion that you don't like, return to where you were raised and make the changes from there. If you like the ritual, keep it. If you don't, drop it. True religion is different for everyone. This blog is a reflection of the journey I take to finding my personal spirituality. The basis for my spirituality stems from a cross between Buddhism and Judaism, but also includes bits and pieces from other religious faiths.
As I develop my individual spirituality, I am moving from the life of college student into the workforce. Included will my journey to find a job I truly love (this seems to be rare nowadays), that agrees with my personal ethics of peace and non-violence.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Islamic Profit Muhammad

I know I said more about Leo Tolstoy to come soon and it still will, but first I want to talk a bit about Muhammad. I have recently been reading a book called Memories of Muhammad: Why the Profit Matters . This book is not only a biography of Muhammad but also a history of the rise of Islam. It talks about pre-Islamic Mecca and the rise of Muhammad as a prophet. As I read more about the major religious prophets, I am learning that more the most part they are all saying the same thing, a return to traditional values. What these traditional values are depend if you are reference Buddhism or one of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). Ironically enough for the Abrahamic religions, the message these profit are relaying are almost the exact same thing; a return to worship of the one true GOD. It amazes me how inspiring these profits (Muhammad and Jesus) can be and yet after their deaths, their closest followers and disciples forget the message and transform or dilute the main points. Jesus for example as far as I am concerned, never wanted to create a new religion, but to reform Judaism.

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