This idea of nonduality is similar to what is found in many eastern religions such as Buddhism. The main idea of nondual Judaism, is אין סוף (Ein Sof), the infinite, or the act of Being. This is one way of saying that everything is God, and God is everything. In other words, everything is made up of God and the reason that we as humans can not comprehend God, is because we can not comprehend what the sum of all things is. This idea has persisted in the Kabbalah as well as being a core teaching in the Hasidic branch of Judaism. Unfortunately, it seems to me as though Hasidim have gotten too caught up in the religion aspect of the Jewish faith. I believe the idea of אין סוף to mean that everything in life is a part of God and that all things should be treated as though they were holy. As Jay Michaelson emphasizes in his book, it is crucial to remember that this does not mean that you God or more holy than any other person or thing, but we are each a piece of the ultimate holiness that is God.